Natural Cure

Natural treatments for hemorrhoids 

The painful crises are used these natural treatments, nutrition and hydration associated obviously correct body.Plants listed in this pathology are: blueberry, hazelnut (white skin), angelica, burdock, basil, Chestnut, Yarrow, Lady's Mantle, ash, oak, quince (seeds), chamomile, mallow, dandelion, and comfrey wolf's claw.You can make these plants, in painful crises, warm sitz baths will relieve pain and bleeding if not use suppositories with propolis that have healing effects.It also can be obtained from these plants very useful in relieving ointments this condition. Here's how to prepare: 50 grams is chopped herbs over which pour a few drops of alcohol as them wet. Let then 24 hours, then be mixed with 250 ml of vegetable oil (olive ideal) and will boil 3 hours. It will separate the sediment (which is submitted to the bottom where you boiled the mixture) of oil that will put 30 grams of beeswax to stabilize. Then put the ointment thus obtained in clean containers with lids that will keep in a cool. Every painful crisis will use the ointment, but not a long time but only a few days, because it tends to thin the skin and mucous to raise awareness that can damage, occurring fissures or other serious diseases.Another natural treatment is indicated for the relief of hemorrhoids with oak leaves. They chose about 20 oak leaves that will simmer for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water. It will cover the bowl and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Then wash with this solution are the seat or put compresses several times daily until symptoms improve.But if symptoms do not improve, presented a purulent discharge on underwear or both blood and stool on underwear is better to go to the doctor.PhytotherapyTreatment refers to external applications and internal administration of herbal preparations. External applications are antiseptic, soothing, healing and hemostatic.

Oak Bark - 100 g bark is boiled in a liter of water, then filtered. Apply compresses repeated.
Candles - used for sitz baths, is prepared from 30-60 g leaves per liter water daily are two bathrooms.
Grass piles - whose popular name is suggestive, has been used since the sixteenth century in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Its roots in the form of small tubers have striking similarity with hemorrhoids, which the authors suggested theory Signatura (similarity) use, tested over the centuries, the specific remedy hemorrhoids. External form of poultice is used, boiled leaves, applications decoction of the leaves or roots concentrate (60 g boil a liter of water until reduced to 1 / 4 of original amount) to be mixed with the flour.
Juice plant - can be used for badijonarea prepared hemorrhoids.
Yarrow - the hemostatic and healing properties, acts favorably in external applications: sitz baths, compresses blossoms decoction prepared from 60 g per liter water. Ultilizarea plant was recommended even by Hippocrates, if sangeranzi hemorrhoids.
Horsetail - has haemostatic role. It is used externally as a compress and prolonged concentrated decoction prepared from 100 g per liter water plant.
Shock leaves - are known as external topical. It compresses the leaf decoction of 100 g per liter water.
Vine leaves - because astringent properties may be used externally in poultices.
Blueberries are used as a decoction made from a handful of blueberries, which are boiled in a liter of water until reduced to half that amount. Applied externally in the form of washes and compresses. For daily hygiene are alternating baths and sitting with an infusion of marigold Museteica.Hemorrhoids homeopathic treatment

Aesculus hippocastanum: hemorrhoids with burning, itching, touch, are painful and bleed only rarely, radiating pain in sacro-lumbar region.
Aloe: feeling of heaviness in the anorectal region aggravated by standing position, need to be triggered by various stimuli chair (while the patient is washed, after food intake, while urinating, with the emission of gases, the change position).
Capsicum: hemorrhoids with burning and itching, sangeranzi, tenesmus and thirst after spontaneous emission of the seat.
Collinsonia: hemorrhoids with the feeling that the rectum is full of needles, this remedy is indicated especially in the sick that hemorrhoids occur during pregnancy and give intense itching, symptoms are worse lying (lying).
Graphites: hemorrhoids with prickling sensation, sangeranzi, anorectal pain is aggravated by chair in a sitting position, anal itching is most intense at night.
Hamamelis: Hemorrhoids accompanied by a feeling of pulsation and burning, bleeding hemorrhoids is followed by fatigue, a state of prostration, even if blood loss is reduced.
Lachesis: constrictive pain hemorrhoids, sore seat extend long after release.
Muriatic acid: frequent diarrhea stool or dark blood, the patient is often the feeling of stool heat worsening symptoms.
Nucs vomica: Means that indicates more about hemorrhoids associated with constipation, Bonavia is always the feeling that has not emptied completely after release seat intestine, internal hemorrhoids are very painful, itchy, simptomenele are aggravated by walking, patients may experience loss abundant blood, the hemorrhoids during seat, improving the local application of cold water.The hemorrhoidal crises taking repeated doses (3-4 per day) in low dilutions, which then raresc depending on the intensity of pain. 

Hygienic-dietary regimeDiet therapy is a curative and preventive measure of great importance in the treatment of this disease. In the foreground stands the fight against constipation, besides the actions that indicate the use of appropriate system protection mucilaginous substances, such as Galgorin product (being a gentle laxative and a dressing of intestinal mucosa) walking and abdominal gym daily.Diet provides, as with hepatobiliary disease and constipation, heavy consumption of cruditatilor (green vegetables and fruits), restriction of sweets, fats, fermented beverages and condiments of food avoidance. 
Spa treatment hemorrhoidsResorts indicate that chronic constipation can be corrected: Slanic - Moldova, Sangeorz, Baltatesti.

Features hemorrhoids treatmentIt requires a proper diet to combat constipation (which all evolution and precipitate crises worsen hemorrhoidal). In spite of "local" disease, homeopathy gives good results in suppression of seizures and relapse prevention.Local treatment with herbal baths, poultices, compresses the disease early is better, if not inferior to allopathic use local applications.

The first objective of any treatment is to combat constipation in hemorrhoidal disease.
It recommends a diet based on 80% natural grains, fruits and vegetables with soft pulp. The occurrence of bleeding and recommended a laxative oily followed by 2-3 days of fasting rich liquid.Conventional treatment only relieves congestive HOT, herbal therapy addresses both the underlying disease, and hemorrhoidal crisis. Cases resistant to medical therapy, including heavy and large dilatations with thrombosis hemorrhoid surgery sanction only if you have tried herbal and allopathic therapy to no avail.

Ointment to treat hemorrhoids
Ingredients: beeswax as a walnut, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 cm crushed aloe leaf, which have a 3 years old.Preparation: Mix in a bowl glazed on medium heat, until a homogeneous liquid, pour into plastic boxes that hold the coldOf beeswax will make suppositories that you enter into the anus, 1 in every night before bed, will relieve pain and even heal you.Bathroom hemorrhoids treatment
Hemorrhoids treatment hygienic measures in the quiet phase:

- After removing feces with toilet paper wiping fine, boiled and cooled with water, then apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly medicinal;
- Combating constipation;
- Avoid prolonged standing, especially in fixed positions, as well as walking down the long duration;
- Prohibition of riding and cycling;
- Smoking ban;
Foods banned in hemorrhoidal disease: game, fermented cheese, mayonnaise, sauces, pepper, paprika, mustard, coffee, alcoholic drinks etc..

18 comentarii:

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