
Although many people suffer from hemorrhoids, not all affected individuals have common symptoms of this disease. The general symptoms that can occur when you have hemorrhoids is the appearance of blood after a bowel movement. In more severe cases is another symptom of internal hemorrhoids caused excessive pain who have had a prolapse, this case is a more serious hemorrhoids.

Most people exposed to the risk of hemorrhoids are those aged between 45 and 65 years and pregnant women in whom the fetus puts added pressure on the rectal area. Those hemorrhoids inside the anal canal, internal hemorrhoids are often called non-localized, but can sometimes give some painless bleeding. Any anal bleeding can be a sign of serious disease, so if you ever experience such a symptom, whether caused by hemorrhoids or other condition, please consult a specialist.
Those piles located outside the anal canal, also called external hemorrhoids can be seen with the naked eye and can be felt by palpation, consisting of a few small bumps near the anus. These external hemorrhoids cause headaches patients greater than those of internal hemorrhoids because they are outside, no longer protected by your own body and are subjected to daily stress existing. These piles make constant itching once become inflamed and become a source of pain at the same time. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless but may cause bleeding.

However, if you will ever experience anal bleeding or severe pain in the rectal area, you have not found one hemorrhoids, such as bleeding behind can hide more serious multiple problems such as anal fissures, rectal tumors, and more. These piles, whether internal or external hemorrhoids hemorrhoids must be diagnosed by a proctologist after detailed investigations such as colonoscopy, a anoscope, a sigmoidoscopy or simply a specialized routine examination.

Proctologist - specialist for hemorrhoids

The proctologist is a health specialist in treating various types of hemorrhoids, which are in various stages of evolution.

You somehow felt acute pain, itching, burning, irritation and bleeding in the anus area lately? You have somehow found some leaks after defecation? If so, then it's time to go to a proctologist consultations to see exactly what is wrong with you and begin appropriate treatment quickly. These are typical symptoms of hemorrhoids, both internal and external, but are also found in many cases of anal fissures. Internal hemorrhoids are different from those of their symptomatic external complexity. Internal hemorrhoids cause pain and itching after a fair amount of their occurrence. Bleeding internal hemorrhoids are present for a sign of their severity, announcing the need for emergency treatment. External hemorrhoids cause pain and bleeding but from the early days of the occurrence, and this is due to their positioning. External hemorrhoids are, as their name, located outside the anus, and are more exposed to interference and "agresarii" underwear, etc. due to continue. Whatever the case of hemorrhoids, only a proctologist saved healing can occur, and this must be stored for each individual.
A proctologist is your friend

If you belong to the category of people exposed above, then you should know that a proctologist can not harm you in any way, and you can make it just fine, helping you to treat you as you heal slowly and faster than a condition such as hemorrhoids.

How can a proctologist treat me?

A proctologist will encourage all different methods of treating hemorrhoids and will expose all the benefits and disadvantages of each method. There are natural treatments for hemorrhoids, treatments are synthetic, alternative treatments and surgical treatments. Even if a proctologist will recommend a specific type of treatment, he says, is the best final choice will Apatin you, because you depend prinicipal treatment and cure hemorrhoids completely. So if you want to get rid of this disease as quickly and if you want to go back to your normal life, turn to a proctologist and everything will be solved easily.

1 comentarii:

Roy-John spunea...

Thanks for sharing the symptoms of hemorrhoids its very great and helpful information those who are suffering from piles. If you want to cure piles disease then buy piles products online here.

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