joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Hemorrhoids after surgery

There is a very strict set of rules to be explained in detail by the treating physician and to be respected by the patient, set of rules that refer to hemorrhoids after surgery. Keep in mind that if it came up in the operation of hemorrhoids, they produced a lot of problems in the digestive tract, especially in the rectal area. These problems have not disappeared along with hemorozi is finished. Some of them have improved, others are just now beginning to make their presence felt. In addition, the patient should be warned by their doctors about the possible recurrence of hemorrhoids, especially for those patients suffering from venous and capillary fragility. All these things are included in the rules of the area affected by hemorrhoids care after surgery.
The first thing a patient you must know about the post - operative is that it can not move very much in the first 48 hours. More specifically, the patient is allowed to rise from the position it was placed before the doctor. Therefore, in the first two days, the patient will sit back, without moving, as is possible, the lower body.
Then, the patient will be fed for about a week after surgery with two types of food. In the first three days after hemorrhoid surgery, the patient will be fed through an infusion of glucose and various supplements. Over the next four days, shall extend to any diet is nutritious, but liquid. Which is why the patient is not eating properly? Simple: even though the person has no problem upper digestive tract, the rectum is recovering after a dangerous and complicated surgery. If forced immediately after surgery, there is a risk that the area will not heal correctly, used to break the surgeon stitches or a very serious infection arises. Due to very limited space, the infection can be considered in closed cavity, which can be almost impossible to treat.
At discharge, the patient explains the two golden rules of care post - operators of hemorrhoids:
§ impeccable hygiene: the patient's doctor will recommend a special antibacterial soap, sold, usually only in pharmacies. The patient will have to wash the affected area three times a day for about two months with that soap. Later, you can return to their own personal hygiene products.
§ Without strenuous exercise: the first six weeks after surgery, the patient is not allowed to run, swim, lift weights or to climb stairs. Unfortunately, many of these things can not be met by all persons recently operated by hemorrhoids. Therefore, if the patient does not lift weights and run very high in the first six weeks, everything will be fine.
If patients see a problem with their health status, if violated any of the above rules, if he ate a very spicy foods or if suffering from acute diarrhea, the person operated for more than four months must report immediately to the room the guard of a nearby hospital to avoid any unpleasant accidents.


Treatments for hemorrhoids home made involve improving defecation habits, increasing fiber, increasing consumption of water and exercise daily. If you have tried all these and none seems to work, then you may be forced to consider alternative treatments for hemorrhoids.Below we talk about the most invasive treatment for hemorrhoids hemorrhoids removal available in surgery, also called hemorrhoidectomy.
Last alternative hemorrhoids surgery
Only a small percentage of cases of hemorrhoids less than 1% - need surgery.Hemorrhoids are graded on a scale of 1-4, 4 being the most severe type of hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids grade 4 and grade 3 sometimes even if other treatments have not worked - you canditat for hemorrhoidectomy.This procedure is recommended for external hemorrhoids are unusually voluminous, which causes painful and severe itching.What happens during surgery for hemorrhoids?To ensure that you have a good health, a day before or the day of surgery for hemorrhoids, the doctor will be subject to urine and blood tests. The night before, you may be prescribed a laxative. You should not drink or eat anything, even water, between 8 and 12 before surgery of hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid surgery involves a spinal anesthetic will numb to the body from the waist down, including the area around the rectum. In some cases, there is a general anesthetic. Both methods will help the body to relax, that is to undergo invasive surgery.Then, the area around the anus and rectum is prepared for surgery of hemorrhoids. There are several options for hemorrhoid surgery, according to the doctor: laser, scalpel, cautery (an instrument that uses electricity).
The operation consists in cutting the hemorrhoids hemorrhoids. A small swab of cotton is applied to the anus to absorb leakage to and from the incision.
Recovery after surgery for hemorrhoids
Recovering from hemorrhoid surgery requires between 3 and 5 days of hospitalization, followed by 2 to 4 weeks of rest at home. The recovery period is based on the severity of the surgery and the body's ability to heal everyone.We have to keep a pretty strict diet for a while, and a ritual as strict hygiene in the anal area.
When not performed surgery of hemorrhoidsHemorrhoid surgery is not recommended for small internal hemorrhoids. However, it may be necessary if these small hemorrhoids internal hemorrhoids are located near other larger or if you have external hemorrhoids.
Laser hemorrhoidectomy
Many doctors have said that laser hemorrhoid surgery is a less painful method, and faster healing.Laser treatments are more expensive than traditional hemorrhoid surgery. Laser treatment may take longer because you have to return for additional treatments, and there is the possibility of infringement of tissue.

Secrets about hemorrhoids how to shrink hemorrhoids

Many people around the world want to know how to shrink hemorrhoids, without having to ask a doctor. This is because most people with hemorrhoids are uncomfortable because of this and therefore tend to simply ignore the situation.Let me tell you, that if you already knew that hemorrhoids will never disappear like magic if you choose to ignored existence.If you suffer from hemorrhoids, and you want to get rid or at least improved the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, then you must learn how to shrink hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoids are swollen veins painful anal canal or rectum. Every year, for many people, hemorrhoids are responsible for rectal bleeding, itching, discomfort and sometimes severe pain. Learning how to shrink hemorrhoids, you can eliminate many if not all of these symptoms.The first thing you should do if your hemorrhoids are swollen, is to get rid of your toilet paper forever. When using toilet paper, but fail to apply more friction on the already inflamed hemorrhoids.Begin to use wet wipes, and make sure they are not scented. Most hemorrhoids worse scented wipes.Most brands of creams available in today's market, produce and medical wipes for cleaning the area after defecation.Another effective way to shrink hemorrhoids, ice is applied over them! Applying ice every day over the piles, they will shrink. It is recommended to apply ice over the area with piles of 2-3 times per day, in halves of 10 minutes. Cold temperature will reduce inflammation and shrink hemorrhoids.After you apply ice over the piles, you should apply and heat on them. Alternating between hot and cold, hemorrhoids will decrease the pain will go away faster and faster. Many people use this method of shrinking hemorrhoids hemorrhoids, being satisfied with the results.Last resort, but not least, to reduce hemorrhoids, is actually the best, in my opinion.It is easy to learn to shrink hemorrhoids using this method.It is a simple bath, and then to bed! You can shrink hemorrhoids by sitz baths. It is very simple and very effective.You will have better results if you take a sitz bath and then go to bed and stay all day if you have time.Fill the tub enough to cover your hips and hemorrhoids. Sit in water for at least 15-20 minutes. It is better for your hemorrhoids if you do it 2-3 times a day. After bathing, dry out the wound of hemorrhoids and go to bed.Rest all day, you can eliminate the pressure already inflamed hemorrhoids. When you walk or sit down, apply pressure on the veins and hemorrhoids that cause worsening over time.So once you have started to shrink hemorrhoids by the methods mentioned above, take your few days off, and you will realize that the best days of rest we've had lately.

Natural Treatment for Hemorrhoids

There are many diseases that can not be treated only with appropriate treatment, created by a physician specializing in that disease. Fortunately or unfortunately, hemorrhoids are not one of these diseases. For hemorrhoids there are many natural treatment options are described, with more or less accurate in many popular magazines. These natural treatments for hemorrhoids work in a lesser or greater. However, it is good that they are designed by a specialist and not taken as such, considering the fact that not everything is good for a man to work for another.
Therefore, a patient must know what plants they can help in treating hemorrhoids and, especially, the part of those plants must use. There are people who hear that poplar can treat hemorrhoids sangeranzi and use its leaves to stop bleeding. The truth is that poplar leaves have no therapeutic properties. Poplar leaf buds are those which contain, indeed, a chemical that is astringent and healing and that, under certain conditions, can treat hemorrhoids. However, aspen leaf buds are used, in general, with a different property: they are expectorant. He often used in cough syrups.
However, the plant world offers a lot of products that can provide relief of symptoms of hemorrhoid disease so annoying. Therefore, they are most useful plant products in the treatment of hemorrhoids naturally:

Aloe Vera: theory, purified and crystallized extract of Aloe vera leaves contain a high quantity of antracenozide. Antracenozidele are compounds with a laxative role - important purgative. As Aloe Vera extract is more concentrated and richer in the plant active principles, even turn into a laxative purgative. The same effect can be obtained if dose increase of a less concentrated extract. What does, however, the extract from the leaves of Aloe Vera hemorrhoids natural treatment? It is well known that one of the main causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. With this plant product, a patient's intestinal tract is cleaned, and the digestive process is thinned. Therefore, to avoid the transformation of acute constipation in a chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.
Artichokes: as in the case of poplar, people tend to use a different part of the plant to treat hemorrhoids than is correct. Usually, people make artichoke flower infusion. It is a big mistake. Artichoke leaves are those that contain certain chemicals that can help in one way or another, a patient suffering from hemorrhoids. The active principles of artichoke leaf does not improve, directly, the symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, they have an important role in natural treatment of hemorrhoids. Why? Artichokes are a good adjuvant for digestive tract problems. Just as with extract of Aloe Vera leaves, artichoke treat constipation or various other diseases of the digestive system, improving its performance and avoiding thus hemorrhoids because of constipation. Very important is how to prepare and how to administer the infusion from the leaves of artichokes. In connection with the preparation, take a teaspoon of dried leaves of artichokes and pour over it 150 - 200 ml of boiling water. Cover cup and allow 10-15 minutes to infuse. Subsequently, strain and drink warm infusion, half an hour before meals.
Yarrow: for this herb, the entire part is really useful supraterestra, known as the "herb" in the literature. Basically, stem, leaves and flowers are components of a Herbie. Also, this plant product to be picked at full maturity of, so when the flowers are fully open. And yarrow can be used internally, but externally. Is used exclusively to treat external hemorrhoids. It is an infusion of 200 g of chopped plant product and a liter of boiling water, leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, filtered through gauze and leave to cool until warm infusion is. Subsequently, sitz baths in hemorrhoidal crisis of the infusion. These baths should last about 30 minutes to be effective. Yarrow has healing and antiseptic action.
Marigold: Marigold flowers are a lot of people known as the main component of quality cosmetics. The reason they are so used is that they have as main active ingredients of some chemicals healing and emollient action. In case of hemorrhoids, emollient action is not essential, but the healing can produce wonders. Marigold flowers to be collected when they bloom and dry properly. Infusion of marigold flowers is prepared just as in herba of yarrow. Also, use only external hemorrhoids treatment, making the sitz baths three times a day, hemorrhoidal crises.
Flaxseed: first, flaxseed should not be older than one year. After a year, the chemicals they contain are degraded. If other plant products, degradation of active principles leading to their inactivation, if flaxseed, these chemicals are transformed into a toxic compound. Therefore, check the packing date of flaxseed. What is the role of seeds in, anyway? They fluidifica digestion, acting as a laxative volume. Basically, in ingested seeds reach the intestine, where they form a mucus increases peristalsis. If the intestine moves faster, and digestion go much faster, avoiding constipation.
The conclusion is relatively little surprising: not only buy products packaged properly, do not try to pick them and dry them yourself unless you know for sure the plant is the one pick and, especially, use them as prescribed and results will be comprehensive. Natural treatment of hemorrhoids is one of the most successful of all natural treatments, with results expected to more than 90% of patients who have tried. Usually, the adverse effects of this type of treatment are minor and do not exceed the threshold of a skin irritation due to locally frequent sitz baths or nonspecific diarrhea caused by excess flaxseed. Note, however, the contraindications of plant products used: linseed, used too much and long time lead to intoxication with hydrogen cyanide, a highly toxic compound.

The prevalence of hemorrhoids by age

Scientific and medical community believed in the past three decades, the piles of any kind of been her internal, external or thrombosis, have no preference about the people they affect. It was therefore assumed that hemorrhoids are a common disease of all races, sexes, ages and social classes. There is truth in all this gigantic confusion: The study was performed only on patients diagnosed in a certain period of time. Did not take into account those who are prone to hemorrhoids, well known predisposition to the doctor treating the person. The results were flawed from the start, and medical community barely noticed this in the past five years.
Like the previous study, a new look at old disease comes also from the United States of America. Thus, Americans were the ones who have discovered their error and that they decided to conduct a new study, which is still in progress. Preliminary results, however incomplete they may seem at first glance seem to require a new perspective on treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids. Why? For whites demonstrated clinically the most likely to develop hemorrhoidal disease, pregnant women with hemorrhoids almost always presents the physician, in the third trimester of pregnancy and the age clearly influences the occurrence of these anorectal inflammation of veins.
First, it is well known by the medical community that people who belong to the white race have vascular problems more pronounced than those of any other race. The reason is genetic and is related closely to the world where whites has grown, with different socio - economic and environmental factors. Basically, the explanation reads as follows: Because the white race has developed into a predominantly temperate climate, the human body preferred to choose the middle path in his own evolution. Thus, blood vessel wall is of medium size, with strong trends of thinning at the lowest imbalance.
About pregnant women, the explanation is as simple as hemorrhoids definition itself comes from inflammation of the anorectal veins. Body of pregnant women in the third quarter generated a value far beyond normal pressure. All this pressure is focused on the lower back and below the rectal canal. Therefore, one gets pregnant, anorectal inflammation of the veins becomes increasingly obvious and embarrassing, so when she goes to the doctor. Solutions are only temporary symptom relief only. Usually, when the patient gave birth, the hemorrhoids sufferers begin to devolve.
Finally, age remains the only factor that really matters. A patient may be of any race, gender and social class, but when that passed the age of 45, can develop hemorrhoids grows exponentially with each passing decade. Thus, people between 35 and 45 years presenting with hemorrhoids only if their appearance implies a genetic cause. Between 45 and 65, is virtually inevitable that a person does not suffer from the disease, even if there is one hemorrhoidal crisis in these 20 years or even hemorrhoids do not have any symptoms, so the person has not been diagnosed.

Hemorrhoids treatment with Chinese medicine

Hemorrhoids are a condition to prefer a certain region of the world, a certain social class, age or sex. Therefore, virtually anyone can suffer from hemorrhoids. Traditional medicine has developed methods to improve the symptoms of this disease and cure it, but they are modern solutions to a very old problem. First to offer some sort of explanation about hemorrhoids are Chinese. Treaties medicine over two millennia now describe in detail hemorrhoidal disease, explaining its possible causes correctly surprisingly, symptoms, and treatment to be followed.
Even if the Chinese explanation for hemorrhoids get more esoteric area, they identify two categories of patients who are prone to these diseases: chronic constipation sufferers and pregnant women. Also, Chinese doctors see different types of hemorrhoids and divide the disease into three broad categories:

Phase I: anorectal veins are swollen, but not much. Hemorrhoids are still in training, they are not painful. The only symptom you may be bleeding from bowel movement. Also, this phase applies only internal hemorrhoids.
Phase II: The anorectal inflammation of the veins is evident, and when bowel movement, hemorrhoids are pushed outside the body, bleeding profusely. However, they withdraw into the rectal canal after completion of the elimination of feces. It also applies to external hemorrhoids phase, which does not differ from the Chinese house. They believe that external hemorrhoids are simply internal hemorrhoids that can not be retracted to their original place. Therefore, in view of Chinese medicine, external hemorrhoids internal hemorrhoids are worsening.
Phase III: Internal hemorrhoids can not be retracted inadvertently, they should be handled to the patient's rectal canal. In this phase, anorectal veins are inflamed, every movement can cause heavy bleeding and break them. Moreover, even sneezing or coughing and may cause severe pain and sometimes even bleeding.
Hemorrhoids in Chinese medicine diagnosis is made by the patient and the treatment is prescribed by a physician, but only after describing the symptoms of suffering. Therefore, Chinese medicine treatment of hemorrhoids include:

Warm baths, but hot: usually in the bath water is added a dandelion flowers. The Chinese believed that they were healing and that role can help stop bleeding.
Compresses applied directly to the affected area: compresses were recommended herbal medicine may seem surprising today, even if it is based on the properties of the plant kingdom. For example, apply compresses of chrysanthemums, Schizandra of ginger and place in question, four times a day.
Application of ointments on the affected: the Chinese have successfully identified the plants that can help treat hemorrhoids and they have built relatively quickly, in formulations that could be distributed, sold, used and stored more easily. One of these ointments contain all the plants named above and was named "Mixture healer".

Hemorrhoid creams and you need to know about them

One of the most nasty and uncomfortable very common in most people regardless of age or sex, are hemorrhoids - swollen and painful tissues those anal and rectal area.Indeed, millions of people worldwide each year develop hemorrhoids, which can vary from small to large and can often worsen.There are several treatment options for hemorrhoids. If there are small piles or very severe, you can treat with creams found in pharmacies without prescriptions, along with other homemade remedies. Thus, you can improve the problem.One of the most common method is to use hemorrhoid cream to warm sitz bath accompanied. The combined methods proved very effective for people with hemorrhoids.
What are creams for hemorrhoids?
Medicinal ointments creams are hemorrhoids that are large local inflamed area, usually on the outside of the anus. They vary in effectiveness, and each has its own characteristics, but when used properly and regularly, creams for hemorrhoids can be very effective in relieving pain and temporary discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoid creams are great for quick relief of symptoms but they can not cure hemorrhoids. It requires additional treatment to completely get rid of hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoid creams can be found in pharmacies without prescriptions, but there are creams for hemorrhoids that are given only by medical prescription. The latter are usually stronger than the counter.
Some creams for hemorrhoids require medical opinion, but for most mild cases of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid creams available in pharmacies without prescription is effective in relieving symptoms.One of the most popular creams for hemorrhoids is Procto-Glyvenolul, who argues that shrinks hemorrhoids, while helping to soothe itching and burning sensations that occur frequently in the area affected by hemorrhoids.Preparation H is one of the oldest creams for hemorrhoids, there on the market for over 50 years. Many people around the world trust in the brand of one reason: it works!
How to use creams for hemorrhoids
When you apply Preparation H or hemorrhoid cream, you should make sure that the area affected by hemorrhoids is clean and dry before use. Clean the inflamed area carefully and make sure it is dry. Then, apply cream evenly and gently piles, or in accordance with specific instructions on the leaflet. Read the prospectus carefully to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in hemorrhoid creams because you feel uncomfortable.
Hemorrhoids can be very unpleasant and even but can be treated. Hemorrhoid creams both the counter and prescription ones - can be very effective if used properly, temporarily eliminating the discomfort and pain associated with hemorozii.In terms of other treatments for hemorrhoids, be sure to consult a doctor before using them. Some brands of hemorrhoid creams on the market will provide more than temporary improvement in the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.There are creams for hemorrhoids today that shrinks hemorrhoids. Finding hemorrhoid cream for you is key in eliminating pain and discomfort that occur with irritated hemorrhoids.

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