joi, 22 septembrie 2011


Treatments for hemorrhoids home made involve improving defecation habits, increasing fiber, increasing consumption of water and exercise daily. If you have tried all these and none seems to work, then you may be forced to consider alternative treatments for hemorrhoids.Below we talk about the most invasive treatment for hemorrhoids hemorrhoids removal available in surgery, also called hemorrhoidectomy.
Last alternative hemorrhoids surgery
Only a small percentage of cases of hemorrhoids less than 1% - need surgery.Hemorrhoids are graded on a scale of 1-4, 4 being the most severe type of hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids grade 4 and grade 3 sometimes even if other treatments have not worked - you canditat for hemorrhoidectomy.This procedure is recommended for external hemorrhoids are unusually voluminous, which causes painful and severe itching.What happens during surgery for hemorrhoids?To ensure that you have a good health, a day before or the day of surgery for hemorrhoids, the doctor will be subject to urine and blood tests. The night before, you may be prescribed a laxative. You should not drink or eat anything, even water, between 8 and 12 before surgery of hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid surgery involves a spinal anesthetic will numb to the body from the waist down, including the area around the rectum. In some cases, there is a general anesthetic. Both methods will help the body to relax, that is to undergo invasive surgery.Then, the area around the anus and rectum is prepared for surgery of hemorrhoids. There are several options for hemorrhoid surgery, according to the doctor: laser, scalpel, cautery (an instrument that uses electricity).
The operation consists in cutting the hemorrhoids hemorrhoids. A small swab of cotton is applied to the anus to absorb leakage to and from the incision.
Recovery after surgery for hemorrhoids
Recovering from hemorrhoid surgery requires between 3 and 5 days of hospitalization, followed by 2 to 4 weeks of rest at home. The recovery period is based on the severity of the surgery and the body's ability to heal everyone.We have to keep a pretty strict diet for a while, and a ritual as strict hygiene in the anal area.
When not performed surgery of hemorrhoidsHemorrhoid surgery is not recommended for small internal hemorrhoids. However, it may be necessary if these small hemorrhoids internal hemorrhoids are located near other larger or if you have external hemorrhoids.
Laser hemorrhoidectomy
Many doctors have said that laser hemorrhoid surgery is a less painful method, and faster healing.Laser treatments are more expensive than traditional hemorrhoid surgery. Laser treatment may take longer because you have to return for additional treatments, and there is the possibility of infringement of tissue.

1 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

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