joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Causes of hemorrhoids

Causes of hemorrhoids

Although hemorrhoid disease known since antiquity and is mentioned by Greek physician Asclepius, considered the "father of medicine" in his many works on human pathology, no one has succeeded, until now, to identify with certainty the causes of hemorrhoids. Why so much uncertainty? There are some very solid reasons. First of all, hemorrhoids are not a disease that can be provided. It was assumed that the piles a few years ago would have a genetic component and that parents with such problems would send children. Initial research seemed to prove this hypothesis, but later turned out that although whole families suffering from hemorrhoids, it all comes down to environmental factors and not to any genetic component. It makes sense: families living in the same environment for years. Any of that environment, from food to drink the water and the air we breathe, is identical. And the effect on the health of family members is the same.Then, research on the hemorrhoids are very difficult to do. Unlike other diseases, hemorrhoids are very difficult to induce laboratory animals. If they can not be investigated in laboratory animals such as mice, which were closest to the metabolism of man, the evolution of hemorrhoid disease cannot be traced  constantly. A man can be monitored from birth to death, in a perfectly controlled and sterile environment and a nutrition specialist provided to detect when the disease occurs and therefore, what caused it. A guinea pig is very easy to study, but, unfortunately, hemorrhoids are not one of those diseases that can be handled with little ones white mice.Therefore, the hemorrhoids have been investigated and that only people in a very short period of time, as they pass through a hemorrhoid crisis. The results of this research were not conclusive. Theoretically, scientists have developed a series of relationships cause - effect between certain physiological states of the body and the appearance and evolution of hemorrhoid disease. Basically, only some of these theoretical reasons justify its name. Lack of correlation between theory and practice of inducing, in fact, this uncertainty in hemorrhoid disease posology.However, classic textbooks of medicine has the following causes of hemorrhoids, considering them sufficiently justifiable and justified by current research:

        Eating: Hemorrhoids are inflamed rectal veins. Therefore, any move by rectal canal can produce any change in the these veins. On the other hand, inflammation can come from the veins, ie the blood elements. Any enters the body orally must leave the body through the rectal canal. If inflammation occurs inside the veins, the problem is in the blood. The blood is a part of everything that enters the body substance, either taken from drugs or diet. The conclusion is obvious: diet strongly influences the occurrence of hemorrhoids. The question that remains to be asked is: diet causes hemorrhoids just as or onset? The answer is still far from being discovered. Basically, there is a list of foods that a person suspected of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoidal patients in crisis may not, under any circumstances, to eat. For example, such a person should not eat spicy foods. The spices in these dishes have a double role: on the one hand, help destroy harmful microbes from the digestive tract. On the other hand, produce inflammation in the same tract. These inflammations feel and see the best in the rectal canal. Another food is completely banned alcohol hemorrhoids patients. Alcohol is a central nervous system stimulant. If central nervous system is aroused, any feeling is exacerbated. The rectum is a very innervated. So, pain in the rectum to feel much stronger when the patient has alcohol in their blood. Also, to avoid any foods that cause constipation.

        Constipation: This is one of those causes which can not be fully accepted as the cause of hemorrhoids. Why? Explain is simple: constipation is not only a cause of hemorrhoids, is also their effect. Therefore, if a patient suffers from chronic constipation, hemorrhoids will not surprise anyone. In this case, the researchers want to confirm something else: if there is a cause - effect between cause chronic constipation and hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, chronic constipation is an impressive number of cases. Their detailed research would require decades and many funds. A lot of these cases are, in turn, caused by other factors. If you try to follow this sequence of events back to the origin we find that the road forks too many times to reach a definite conclusion. Thus, experts have dropped confirm with absolute certainty, if constipation is a cause or an effect of hemorrhoids. Everything can be said is really considered the entire medical community is this: Chronic constipation is a sign of the existence of hemorrhoids.

        Pregnancy: Although a normal physiological state for every woman, pregnancy causes significant changes in a woman's body. One of these changes is more difficult digestion along with the developing fetus. The reason is logical: as the uterus is higher, the more space becomes smaller woman's abdomen. Compression of this area means one thing: intestines, stomach and liver are pressed. If in the stomach and liver, the pressure is relatively small intestines are located much closer to the uterus and thus are more compressed. This leads to an intestinal tract almost blocked in the last months of pregnancy and chronic constipation. From here until the hemorrhoid is only one step.

        Lack of exercise: for correct digestion, the body needs two things. One of them is proper nutrition. The other is the movement. Why would influence the physical movement of human digestion? For a move with the rest of the body and intestines. If increases peristalsis, and increases digestion quality. A no means easy digestion constipation. If there is constipation, there is no hemorrhoids.

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