joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Ligation with elastic bands risks and success rate of this treatment for hemorrhoidsi

In the previous article we talked about tying hemorrhoids with elastic bands and about involving recovery from this procedure. In this article we will see why you should opt for hemorrhoid binding procedure and its risks and success rate.
Why procedure binding hemorrhoids with elastic bands?

Linking hemorrhoids is a procedure used when other treatments have failed hemorrhoids. You should consider this procedure if you:

2nd and 3rd degree hemorrhoids
Several piles
Hemorrhoids that bleed profusely and extremely painful hemorrhoids
Internal Hemorrhoids
Thrombosed hemorrhoids
Prolapsing hemorrhoids

Risks related to the procedure of linking hemorrhoids with elastic bands
Before you opt for this treatment for hemorrhoids, there are some risks that you should weigh:

Some people have allergic reactions to anesthesia.
A local anesthetic may not numb the area enough to prevent pain.
It is possible that your doctor will place too close to the elastic band of the anal canal that contains pain sensors, causing even more discomfort.
It is possible to choose the blood clots that lead to internal and external hemorrhoids.
You might have problems with bladder and urination after this procedure.
It is possible that remaining hemorrhoids to swell.
Massive bleeding can occur, so it is best to avoid aspirin and similar drugs about 5 days before and after the procedure.
In rare cases, you can perianal sepsis, an infection that can threaten life. Fever is a sign, so be careful.
Hemorrhoids may occur again.

Despite these risks, however, there is some good news about hemorrhoids binding procedure: it is one of the cheapest treatments for hemorrhoids which proved successful.

What is the success rate?

The first thing you should do is to make sure that your doctor has both the necessary experience and equipment suitable for this procedure.
Much of the success of this procedure depends on you, and your ability to make lifestyle changes for a bowel movement easier, so that your hemorrhoids do not appear.
Experts believe that the success rate is very high ligare process of hemorrhoids with elastic bands, as effectively treat small internal hemorrhoids medium.
There are many patients with hemorrhoids, which have opted for this procedure, and that support its effectiveness.

In terms of treatments for hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids with elastic bands binding was more effective than sclerotherapy or infrared coagulation therapy, not to mention that it is even cheaper.

However, it is also true that in people with hemorrhoids more voluminous, the success rate is lower. It is also for those who continue to develop new and new piles. According to one study, approximately 15-20% of patients develop hemorrhoids again after 5 years.
If you have already gone through 3 or 4 procedures binding hemorrhoids hemorrhoids with elastic bands and you still do not disappear, it is time to start thinking about a hemorrhoidectomy, or other treatments for hemorrhoids.

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