joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Natural Treatment for Hemorrhoids

There are many diseases that can not be treated only with appropriate treatment, created by a physician specializing in that disease. Fortunately or unfortunately, hemorrhoids are not one of these diseases. For hemorrhoids there are many natural treatment options are described, with more or less accurate in many popular magazines. These natural treatments for hemorrhoids work in a lesser or greater. However, it is good that they are designed by a specialist and not taken as such, considering the fact that not everything is good for a man to work for another.
Therefore, a patient must know what plants they can help in treating hemorrhoids and, especially, the part of those plants must use. There are people who hear that poplar can treat hemorrhoids sangeranzi and use its leaves to stop bleeding. The truth is that poplar leaves have no therapeutic properties. Poplar leaf buds are those which contain, indeed, a chemical that is astringent and healing and that, under certain conditions, can treat hemorrhoids. However, aspen leaf buds are used, in general, with a different property: they are expectorant. He often used in cough syrups.
However, the plant world offers a lot of products that can provide relief of symptoms of hemorrhoid disease so annoying. Therefore, they are most useful plant products in the treatment of hemorrhoids naturally:

Aloe Vera: theory, purified and crystallized extract of Aloe vera leaves contain a high quantity of antracenozide. Antracenozidele are compounds with a laxative role - important purgative. As Aloe Vera extract is more concentrated and richer in the plant active principles, even turn into a laxative purgative. The same effect can be obtained if dose increase of a less concentrated extract. What does, however, the extract from the leaves of Aloe Vera hemorrhoids natural treatment? It is well known that one of the main causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. With this plant product, a patient's intestinal tract is cleaned, and the digestive process is thinned. Therefore, to avoid the transformation of acute constipation in a chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.
Artichokes: as in the case of poplar, people tend to use a different part of the plant to treat hemorrhoids than is correct. Usually, people make artichoke flower infusion. It is a big mistake. Artichoke leaves are those that contain certain chemicals that can help in one way or another, a patient suffering from hemorrhoids. The active principles of artichoke leaf does not improve, directly, the symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, they have an important role in natural treatment of hemorrhoids. Why? Artichokes are a good adjuvant for digestive tract problems. Just as with extract of Aloe Vera leaves, artichoke treat constipation or various other diseases of the digestive system, improving its performance and avoiding thus hemorrhoids because of constipation. Very important is how to prepare and how to administer the infusion from the leaves of artichokes. In connection with the preparation, take a teaspoon of dried leaves of artichokes and pour over it 150 - 200 ml of boiling water. Cover cup and allow 10-15 minutes to infuse. Subsequently, strain and drink warm infusion, half an hour before meals.
Yarrow: for this herb, the entire part is really useful supraterestra, known as the "herb" in the literature. Basically, stem, leaves and flowers are components of a Herbie. Also, this plant product to be picked at full maturity of, so when the flowers are fully open. And yarrow can be used internally, but externally. Is used exclusively to treat external hemorrhoids. It is an infusion of 200 g of chopped plant product and a liter of boiling water, leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, filtered through gauze and leave to cool until warm infusion is. Subsequently, sitz baths in hemorrhoidal crisis of the infusion. These baths should last about 30 minutes to be effective. Yarrow has healing and antiseptic action.
Marigold: Marigold flowers are a lot of people known as the main component of quality cosmetics. The reason they are so used is that they have as main active ingredients of some chemicals healing and emollient action. In case of hemorrhoids, emollient action is not essential, but the healing can produce wonders. Marigold flowers to be collected when they bloom and dry properly. Infusion of marigold flowers is prepared just as in herba of yarrow. Also, use only external hemorrhoids treatment, making the sitz baths three times a day, hemorrhoidal crises.
Flaxseed: first, flaxseed should not be older than one year. After a year, the chemicals they contain are degraded. If other plant products, degradation of active principles leading to their inactivation, if flaxseed, these chemicals are transformed into a toxic compound. Therefore, check the packing date of flaxseed. What is the role of seeds in, anyway? They fluidifica digestion, acting as a laxative volume. Basically, in ingested seeds reach the intestine, where they form a mucus increases peristalsis. If the intestine moves faster, and digestion go much faster, avoiding constipation.
The conclusion is relatively little surprising: not only buy products packaged properly, do not try to pick them and dry them yourself unless you know for sure the plant is the one pick and, especially, use them as prescribed and results will be comprehensive. Natural treatment of hemorrhoids is one of the most successful of all natural treatments, with results expected to more than 90% of patients who have tried. Usually, the adverse effects of this type of treatment are minor and do not exceed the threshold of a skin irritation due to locally frequent sitz baths or nonspecific diarrhea caused by excess flaxseed. Note, however, the contraindications of plant products used: linseed, used too much and long time lead to intoxication with hydrogen cyanide, a highly toxic compound.

3 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

I'm 27 and had my first one and noticed when I was washing in the shower one night. It wasn't big, nor was it really deep in there. However, it felt like a growth since I had never noticed it before I feared the worst. My mother which happens to be a Doctor examine it and told me it was hemorrhoid. She recommended Sebela Pharmaceuticals, I'm still dealing with my hemorrhoids until now yet it's getting better as days goes by.

Anonim spunea...

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digestivecareli spunea...

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