joi, 22 septembrie 2011


Diet for hemorrhoids

There is a question that every patient puts doctor immediately after being diagnosed with a disease, be it dangerous or just annoying for his life: if I change my lifestyle, can help you to treat the disease? In case of hemorrhoids, the answer is yes. More specifically, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are easily improved by a proper diet. This does not mean that changing your diet is the only thing that can help your doctor prescribed medication is actually one that hemorrhoid cure. But a proper diet can do much better, and an inadequate cause all sorts of problems.First, to reflect on one of the most important causes of hemorrhoids, namely constipation. What causes this pathological condition so common in the general population? Usually, the answer is food. Of course, there are other causes, such as sedentary or pregnancy, but nutrition remains the main culprit for the occurrence and chronic constipation. Once normal bowel Fri blocking many other problems, which include anorectal veins and swelling, so hemorrhoids. It is true that there are categories of foods that may lead to digestive problems, but equally true is that there are foods that greatly improve hemorrhoidal symptoms.Recent studies have shown that most people who suffer from hemorrhoids have a common deficiency in the diet: fiber. Thus, the main element of a fiber diets are antihemoroidale or, more precisely, any food that contains fiber in large quantity. May seem very complicated, but the truth is that the fibers are found in almost every food. For example, if you used to eat milk with cereal in the morning, try to change the common cereals with whole grains and fiber you need is provided for that day. Also, do not cure the grain more than three or four weeks because, ironically, the same fiber in large amounts, leading to chronic constipation. If you like cereals, you can always take your daily requirement of fiber from fruits and vegetables you eat. Try, however, avoid very spicy vegetables such as red peppers and onions large because they have the reverse effect and lead to worsening of your hemorrhoids.Other types of foods that you can use to combat or prevent hemorrhoids are cranberry juice, blackberries, cherries, blackberries and red currants. What have all these fruits in common? All contain some chemical compounds called anthocyanins that have properties and proantociani capilaroprotectors and venoprotectors. Moreover, these compounds reduce inflammation in the anorectal veins. It is recommended that cranberry juice and the blackberry to be prepared fresh when you are given and also to manage them together to increase the effect. Usually prefer black currant juice and red currants are not used at the same time or the same diet as containing two together, an excessive amount of anthocyanins and proantociani. It is recommended that the patient not to drink more than one to three glasses a day from any of the juices mentioned above.

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